Counting Sheep

I had a very stressful day yesterday: Kids were heading back to school after a week off, I had a job interview scheduled for Monday morning, I hadn't finished all the reading for Monday night's class, we were having a test in class, too, and we were going to get our teams assigned for our digital library project (I already had an idea for a topic, but I didn't want to be bossy about it). So, Sunday night, I just couldn't fall asleep. Making matters worse, the boys were afraid of something and both came into my bed to sleep. Yeah, I know... they're getting too old for that and there really isn't room for all three of us. Of course, sometime during the night a cat (typically Jessie) will also come into my bed and this night was no different. So, Jessie's walking on me, the kids are taking the sheets, i feel stress up to my earlobes, and I just can't fall asleep. This is what I started thinking of:
Ernie Counts Sheep
I tried counting sheep. I tried counting sheep backward (which isn't very smart because it makes you concentrate a little more) and then I started trying to name sheep. I finished the book Three Bags Full recently... in which a shepherd is killed and his sheep figure out who did it. The story is told through the eyes of the sheep—all 18 of them—but I could only think of 10 of them. It's a good book, even if it does take some time to get into. At first it's difficult to keep the sheep straight and to enjoy their limited perspective. But after awhile, you come to really love them (no joke).
The sheep counting having failed miserably, I considered taking a Benedryl, but Benedryl completely knocks me out and I feared i wouldn't wake up in time to get the kids ready for school. Needless to say I got little sleep.
But the stressful day went well: The interview went very well even if they may not be able to hire me (it's a little complicated), I did wonderfully on my test, and I got a good group to work with on the digital library project. Last night I slept like a lamb.
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